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  2. Hu,Y., Zhang, Z., Mei, A., Jiang, Y., Hou, X., Wang, Q., ... & Han, H. (2018).Improved performance of printable perovskite solar cells with bifunctionalconjugated organic molecule. Advanced Materials, 30(11), 1705786.

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  4. Jiang,X., Xiong, Y., Zhang, Z., Rong, Y., Mei, A., Tian, C., ... & Liu, Q.(2018). Efficient hole-conductor-free printable mesoscopic perovskite solarcells based on SnO2 compact layer. Electrochimica Acta, 263,134-139.

  5. Sheng,Y., Mei, A., Liu, S., Duan, M., Jiang, P., Tian, C., ... & Hu, Y. (2018).Mixed (5-AVA) x MA 1− x PbI 3− y (BF 4) y perovskites enhance the photovoltaicperformance of hole-conductor-free printable mesoscopic solar cells.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6(5), 2360-2364.

  6. Xiong,Y., Liu, Y., Lan, K., Mei, A., Sheng, Y., Zhao, D., & Han, H. (2018). Fullyprintable hole-conductor-free mesoscopic perovskite solar cells based onmesoporous anatase single crystals. New Journal of Chemistry,42(4), 2669-2674.

  7. Xu,L., Xiong, Y., Mei, A., Hu, Y., Rong, Y., Zhou, Y., ... & Han, H. (2018).Efficient Perovskite Photovoltaic‐Thermoelectric Hybrid Device. AdvancedEnergy Materials, 8(13), 1702937.

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  9. Li,T., Wang, Q., Nichol, G. S., Morrison, C. A., Han, H., Hu, Y., & Robertson,N. (2018). Extending lead-free hybrid photovoltaic materials to new structures:thiazolium, aminothiazolium and imidazolium iodobismuthates. DaltonTransactions, 47(20), 7050-7058.

  10. Wang,Q., Liu, S., Ming, Y., Guan, Y., Li, D., Zhang, C., ... & Han, H. (2018).Improvements in printable mesoscopic perovskite solar cells via thinner spacerlayers. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2(11), 2412-2418.

  11. Duan,M., Hu, Y., Mei, A., Rong, Y., & Han, H. (2018). Printable carbon-basedhole-conductor-free mesoscopic perovskite solar cells: from lab to market. Materialstoday energy, 7, 221-231.

  12. Tian,C., Zhang, S., Mei, A., Rong, Y., Hu, Y., Du, K., ... & Han, H. (2018). AMultifunctional Bis-Adduct Fullerene for Efficient Printable MesoscopicPerovskite Solar Cells. ACS applied materials & interfaces,10(13), 10835-10841.

  13. Xu,L., Xiong, Y., Mei, A., Hu, Y., Rong, Y., Zhou, Y., ... & Han, H. (2018).Efficient Perovskite Photovoltaic‐Thermoelectric Hybrid Device. AdvancedEnergy Materials, 8(13), 1702937.

  14. Xiong,Y., Zhu, X., Mei, A., Qin, F., Liu, S., Zhang, S., ... & Han, H. (2018).Bifunctional Al2O3 Interlayer Leads to Enhanced Open‐Circuit Voltage for Hole‐Conductor‐FreeCarbon‐Based Perovskite Solar Cells. Solar RRL, 2(5), 1800002.

  15. Xu,C., Zhang, Z., Hu, Y., Sheng, Y., Jiang, P., Han, H., & Zhang, J. (2018).Printed hole-conductor-free mesoscopic perovskite solar cells with excellentlong-term stability using PEAI as an additive. Journal of energychemistry, 27(3), 764-768.

  16. Rong,Y., Ming, Y., Ji, W., Li, D., Mei, A., Hu, Y., & Han, H. (2018). Towardindustrial-scale production of perovskite solar cells: screen printing,slot-die coating, and emerging techniques. The journal of physical chemistryletters, 9(10), 2707-2713.

  17. Jiang,P., Xiong, Y., Xu, M., Mei, A., Sheng, Y., Hong, L., ... & Hu, Y. (2018).The Influence of the Work Function of Hybrid Carbon Electrodes on PrintableMesoscopic Perovskite Solar Cells. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,122(29), 16481-16487.

  18. Tian,C., Zhang, S., Li, S., Mei, A., Li, D., Liu, S., ... & Han, H. (2018). AC60 Modification Layer Using a Scalable Deposition Technology for EfficientPrintable Mesoscopic Perovskite Solar Cells. Solar RRL, 2(10),1800174.

  19. Tian,C., Mei, A., Zhang, S., Tian, H., Liu, S., Qin, F., ... & Xie, S. (2018).Oxygen management in carbon electrode for high-performance printable perovskitesolar cells. Nano Energy, 53, 160-167.

  20. Chen,M., Ju, M. G., Hu, M., Dai, Z., Hu, Y., Rong, Y., ... & Padture, N. P.(2018). Lead-Free Dion–Jacobson Tin Halide Perovskites for Photovoltaics.ACS Energy Letters, 4(1), 276-277.

  21. Li,D., Tong, C., Ji, W., Fu, Z., Wan, Z., Huang, Q., ... & Han, H. (2018).Vanadium oxide post-treatment for enhanced photovoltage of printable perovskitesolar cells. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 7(2),2619-2625.