报告题目:Perovskite Research at CSIRO Energy: hysteresis, passivation andupscale
报告人:Timothy Jones
Dr Timothy Jones completed his PhD inelectrochemistry/materials science investigating high-rate battery materials in2010. He then joined the group of Dr Gregory Wilson at CSIRO Energyinvestigating new ruthenium light absorbers in liquid-junction dye-sensitizedsolar cells.
He is currently is a research scientist at CSIROEnergy. His researchinterests include upscaling perovskite solar technologies including developingindustrially-compatible manufacture methods. A particular interest iselucidating structure-performance relationships on the microscale.
He is visiting China as part of an Australia-China bilateral YoungScientists Exchange Program (YSEP) aimed at fostering and developing deepcollaborations between Australian and Chinese groups in areas of mutualnational importance. He is here to discuss opportunities to extend collaborationsin perovskite solar cells.
He is a previous recipientof a prestigious AustralianRenewable Energy Agency (ARENA) post-doctoral fellowship, aimed at targeteddevelopment of future science leaders in solar energy research.He has a PhDin applied electrochemistry /materials science, and his work is published in 17papers across the fields of battery materials, electrochemistry, inorganicchemistry, perovskite-, organic-, and dye-sensitised solar cells.
Perovskite solar cells have captured theimagination of the research community through their outstanding semiconductorproperties and remarkably versatile fabrication techniques. However, a numberof outstanding questions in the field remain. Among these, the photocurrenthysteresis problem is prevalent, and leaves questions regarding the truestabilised power conversion efficiency of devices. In the materials space,interesting challenges remain in further minimising non-radiative recombinationlosses as well as in effective perovskite upscale methods.
Here I will present on CSIRO Energy’srecent interests in perovskite solar cells, including protocols for stabilisedI–V measurements, how ion motion affects performance, understanding ofmicroscale heterogeneity in non-radiative recombination, film passivation andperovskite upscale.